FUSTA Photo Gallery
These are photos from past USIRs and other FUSTA related events. If you have photos that you feel should be displayed here (especially old ones from past USIRs), please scan them at 300 dpi resolution (preferred) and save them as high quality jpegs (80%). Email your scanned images (or digital photos) to the webmaster with a description including the subject, date, and place where the photo was taken.
1981 USIR Representatives
1981 East Region
![1981 East Region](photos-thumbs/1981_East_th.jpg) |
1981 Midwest Region
![1981 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/1981_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1981 Northwest Region
![1981 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/1981_Northwest_th.jpg) |
1981 Southeast Region
![Do YOU have the missing photo?](photos-thumbs/unavailable.jpg) |
1981 Southwest Region
![1981 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/1981_Southwest_th.jpg) |
1981 West Region
![1981 West Region](photos-thumbs/1981_West_th.jpg) |
1981 Dance-off
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-3_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Alexandria
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-4_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Alexandria
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-8_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Alexandria
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-2_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Southwest
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-5_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Midwest
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-6_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Alexandria
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-7_th.jpg) |
USIR 1981 Alexandria
![USIR 1981 Alexandria](photos-thumbs/1981-Alexandria-1_th.jpg) |
1982 USIR Representatives
1982 East Region
![1982, Portland Oregon - Eastern Region](photos-thumbs/1982 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1983 USIR Representatives
1983 Oberlin Champions
![1983 Oberlin, Ohio](photos-thumbs/1983_Oberlin_Champions_th.jpg) |
1983 West Region
![1983 West Region](photos-thumbs/1983_West_th.jpg) |
1984 USIR Representatives
1984 USIR 12 & Under
![1984 USIR 12 and Under](photos-thumbs/1984_San_Diego_12U_th.jpg) |
1984 USIR 15 & Under
![1984 USIR 15 and Under](photos-thumbs/1984_San_Diego_15U_th.jpg) |
1984 USIR 17 & Under
![1984 USIR 17 and Under](photos-thumbs/1984_San_Diego_17U_th.jpg) |
1984 USIR 18 & Over
![1984 USIR 18 and Over](photos-thumbs/1984_San_Diego_18O_th.jpg) |
1984 West Region
![1984 West Region](photos-thumbs/1984_West_th.jpg) |
1985 USIR Representatives
1985 Dance-off
![USIR 1985 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/1985-Grandfather-Mtn-1_th.jpg) |
1985 USIR 15 & Under
![USIR 1985 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/1985_Grandfather-Mtn_15U_th.jpg) |
1985 Midwest
![USIR 1985 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/1985-Grandfather-Mtn-2_th.jpg) |
1985 Southwest
![USIR 1985 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/1985-Grandfather-Mtn-3_th.jpg) |
1987 USIR Representatives
1987 East Region
![1987 East Region](photos-thumbs/1987_East2_th.jpg) |
1987 West Region
![1987 West Region](photos-thumbs/1987_West_th.jpg) |
1987 17 & Under
![1987 Portland 17 & Under](photos-thumbs/1987-Alexandria-17-&-Under_th.jpg) |
1987 17 & Under Champs
![1987 Portland 17 & Under Champions](photos-thumbs/1987-17-&-Under-Champions_th.jpg) |
1988 USIR Representatives
1988 USIR Group
![1988 Alexandria USIR Group Photo](photos-thumbs/1988-Group_th.jpg) |
1988 17 & Under Champs
![1988 Alexandria 17 & Under Champions](photos-thumbs/1988-17-&-Under-Champions_th.jpg) |
1988 18 & Over Champs
![1988 Alexandria 18 & Over Champions](photos-thumbs/1988-18-&-Over-Champions_th.jpg) |
1988 East Region
![1988 East Region](photos-thumbs/1988 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1988 West Region
![1988 West Region](photos-thumbs/1988_West_th.jpg) |
1989 USIR Representatives
1989 East Region
![1989 East Region](photos-thumbs/1989_East_th.jpg) |
1989 West Region
![1989 West Region](photos-thumbs/1989_West_th.jpg) |
1990 USIR Representatives
1990 12 & Under
![1990 Denver 12 & Under](photos-thumbs/1990-Denver-12U_th.jpg) |
1990 18 & Over
![1990 Denver 18 & Over](photos-thumbs/1990-Denver-18O_th.jpg) |
1990 East Region
![1990 East Region](photos-thumbs/1990 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1990 West Region
![1990 West Region](photos-thumbs/1990_West_th.jpg) |
1992 USIR Representatives
1992 East Region
![1992 East Region](photos-thumbs/1992_East_th.jpg) |
1992 Midwest Region
![1992 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/1992_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1992 West Region
![1992 West Region](photos-thumbs/1992_West_th.jpg) |
1992 11 & Under
![1992 Minneapolis](photos-thumbs/1992-Minneapolis-11U_th.jpg) |
1992 11 & Under Champions
![1992 Minneapolis](photos-thumbs/1992-Minneapolis-11UC_th.jpg) |
1993 USIR Representatives
1993 East Region
![1993 East Region Finalists](photos-thumbs/1993 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1993 Midwest Region
![1993 Midwest Region Finalists](photos-thumbs/1993_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1993 15 & Under
![1993 15 & Under Region](photos-thumbs/1993 - USIR 15&U.jpg) |
1993 11 & Under Champs
![1993 San Diego](photos-thumbs/1993-Seattle-11UC_th.jpg) |
1994 USIR Representatives
1994 Group Photo
![1994 Altamont, New York](photos-thumbs/1994-Altamont-group-1_th.jpg) |
1994 East Region
![1994 Altamont, New York](photos-thumbs/1994 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1994 Midwest Region
![1994 Midwest Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1994_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1994 West Region
![1994 Western Region - Thanks Trisha MacConnell for identifying this!](photos-thumbs/1994_West_th.jpg) |
1994 15 & Under
![1994 15 & Under](photos-thumbs/1994 - USIR 15&U.jpg) |
1994 Group Photo
![1994 Group Photo](photos-thumbs/1994 - USIR All Reps.jpg) |
1995 USIR Representatives
1995 East Region
![1995 San Diego, California](photos-thumbs/1995_East_th.jpg) |
1995 13 & Under Champions
![1995 San Diego, California](photos-thumbs/1995-San-Diego-13UC_th.jpg) |
1995 17 & Under
![1995 17 & Under San Diego, California](photos-thumbs/1995 - USIR 17&U.jpg) |
1995 USIR Champions
![1995 San Diego, California](photos-thumbs/1995-USIR-Champions_th.jpg) |
1996 USIR Representatives
1996 13 & Under
![1996 Houston 13 & Under Group](photos-thumbs/1996-Houston-13U_th.jpg) |
1996 East Region
![1996 East Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1996 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1996 Midwest Region
![1996 Midwest Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1996_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1997 USIR Representatives
1997 13 & Under
![1997 Chesapeake, Virginia](photos-thumbs/1997-Chesapeake-13U_th.jpg) |
1997 15 & Under
![1997 Chesapeake, Virginia](photos-thumbs/1997-Chesapeake-15U_th.jpg) |
1997 18 & Over
![1997 18 & Over Chesapeake, Virginia](photos-thumbs/1997 - USIR 18&O.jpg) |
1997 East Region
![1997 Chesapeake, Virginia](photos-thumbs/1997_East_th.jpg) |
1997 Midwest Region
![1997 Midwest Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1997_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1998 USIR Representatives
1998 East Region
![1998 East Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1998 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
1998 Midwest Region
![1998 Midwest Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1998_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1999 USIR Representatives
1999 East Region
![USIR 1999East Region Portland](photos-thumbs/1999 - Eastern Region.JPG) |
1999 Midwest Region
![1999 Midwest Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/1999_Midwest_th.jpg) |
1999 West Region
![USIR 1999 Portland](photos-thumbs/1999-Portland-west_th.jpg) |
1999 Champions
![USIR 1999 Portland](photos-thumbs/1999-Portland-1_th.jpg) |
1999 17 & Under Champions
![USIR 1999 Portland](photos-thumbs/1999-Portland-17UC_th.jpg) |
1999 17 & Under
![USIR 1999 Portland](photos-thumbs/1999-Portland-17U_th.jpg) |
1999 18 & Over
![USIR 1999 Portland](photos-thumbs/1999-Portland-18O_th.jpg) |
2000 USIR Representatives
2000 18 & Over
![USIR 2000 Philadelphia](photos-thumbs/2000-Philadelphia-18O_th.jpg) |
2000 Champions
![USIR 2000 Philadelphia](photos-thumbs/2000-Philadelphia-1_th.jpg) |
2000 East Region
![USIR 2000 Philadelphia](photos-thumbs/2000_East_th.jpg) |
2000 Midwest Region
![2000 Midwest Regional Finalists](photos-thumbs/2000_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2001 USIR Representatives
2001 17 & Under
![USIR 2001 Long Beach](photos-thumbs/2001-Long-Beach-17U_th.jpg) |
2001 18 & Over
![USIR 2001 Long Beach](photos-thumbs/2001-Long-Beach-18O_th.jpg) |
2001 West Region
![2001 West Region](photos-thumbs/2001_West_th.jpg) |
2002 USIR Representatives
2002 18 & Over
![USIR 2002 Denver](photos-thumbs/2002-Denver-18O_th.jpg) |
2002 East Region
![2002 East Region](photos-thumbs/2002 - Eastern Region.JPG) |
2002 Midwest Region
![2002 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2002_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2002 Midwest Region
![2002 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2002_Midwest-2_th.jpg) |
2003 USIR Representatives
2003 18 & Over
![USIR 2003 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/2003-Grandfather-Mtn-18O_th.jpg) |
2003 Grandfather Mtn
![USIR 2003 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/2003-Grandfather-Mtn-1_th.jpg) |
2003 Grandfather Mtn
![USIR 2003 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/2003-Grandfather-Mtn-2_th.jpg) |
2003 17 & Under
![USIR 2003 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/2003-Grandfather-Mtn-17T_th.jpg) |
2003 17 & Under
![USIR 2003 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/2003-Grandfather-Mtn-17U_th.jpg) |
2003 East Region
![USIR 2003 Grandfather Mountain](photos-thumbs/2003_East_th.jpg) |
2003 Midwest Region
![2003 Midwest Regional Representatives](photos-thumbs/2003_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2003 Southeast Region
![2003 Southeast Regional Representatives](photos-thumbs/2003_Southeast_th.jpg) |
2003 West Region
![2003 West Regional Representatives](photos-thumbs/2003_West_th.jpg) |
2004 USIR Representatives
2004 East Region
![2004 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2004 - Eastern Region.jpg) |
2004 Midwest Region
![2004 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2004_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2004 Northwest Region
![2004 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/2004_Northwest_th.jpg) |
2004 Southeast Region
![2004 Southeast Region](photos-thumbs/2004_Southeast_th.jpg) |
2004 Southwest Region
![2004 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/2004_Southwest_th.jpg) |
2004 West Region
![2004 West Region](photos-thumbs/2004_West_th.jpg) |
2005 USIR Representatives
2005 East Region
![2005 East Region](photos-thumbs/2005_East_th.jpg) |
2005 Midwest Region
![2005 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2005_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2005 Northwest Region
![2005 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/2005_Northwest_th.jpg) |
2005 Southeast Region
![2005 Southeast Region](photos-thumbs/2005_Southeast_th.jpg) |
2005 Southwest Region
![2005 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/2005_Southwest_th.jpg) |
2005 West Region
![2005 West Region](photos-thumbs/2005_West_th.jpg) |
2005 18 & Over
![2005 Mt. Vernon, Washington](photos-thumbs/2005-Mt-Vernon-18O_th.jpg) |
2006 USIR Representatives
2006 East Region
![2006 East Region](photos-thumbs/2006_East_th.jpg) |
2006 Midwest Region
![2006 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2006_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2006 Northwest Region
![2006 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/2006_Northwest_th.jpg) |
2006 Southeast Region
![2006 Southeast Region](photos-thumbs/2006_Southeast_th.jpg) |
2006 Southwest Region
![2006 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/2006_Southwest_th.jpg) |
2006 West Region
![2006 West Region](photos-thumbs/2006_West_th.jpg) |
2006 USIR Champions
![2006 USIR Champions - Saratoga Springs](photos-thumbs/2006-USIR-Champions_th.jpg) |
2007 USIR Representatives
2007 East Region
![2007 East Region](photos-thumbs/2007_East_th.jpg) |
2007 Midwest Region
![2007 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2007_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2007 Northwest Region
![2007 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/2007_Northwest_th.jpg) |
2007 Southeast Region
![2007 Southeast Region](photos-thumbs/2007_Southeast_th.jpg) |
2007 Southwest Region
![2007 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/2007_Southwest_th.jpg) |
2007 West Region
![2007 West Region](photos-thumbs/2007_West_th.jpg) |
2007 USIR Champions
![2007 Irvine USIR Champions](photos-thumbs/2007_Champions_th.jpg) |
2007 USIR Judges
![2007 Irvine USIR Judges](photos-thumbs/2007_Judges_th.jpg) |
2007 FUSTA Executives
![2007 FUSTA Executives](photos-thumbs/2007_Executives_th.jpg) |
2008 USIR Representatives
2008 11 & Under
![2008 USIR 7 & under 12 age group](photos-thumbs/2008_11U_th.jpg) |
2008 13 & Under
![2008 USIR 12 & under 14 age group](photos-thumbs/2008_13U_th.jpg) |
2008 15 & Under
![2008 USIR 14 & under 16 age group](photos-thumbs/2008_15U_th.jpg) |
2008 17 & Under
![2008 USIR 16 & under 18 age group](photos-thumbs/2008_17U_th.jpg) |
2008 18 & Over
![2008 USIR 18 & over age group](photos-thumbs/2008_18O_th.jpg) |
2008 USIR Champions
![2008 USIR Champions](photos-thumbs/2008_Champions_th.jpg) |
2009 USIR Representatives
2009 East Region
![2009 East Region](photos-thumbs/2009_East_th.jpg) |
2009 Midwest Region
![2009 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2009_Midwest_th.jpg) |
2009 Northwest Region
![2009 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/2009_Northwest_th.jpg) |
2009 Southeast Region
![2009 Southeast Region](photos-thumbs/2009_Southeast_th.jpg) |
2009 Southwest Region
![2009 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/2009_Southwest_th.jpg) |
2009 West Region
![2009 West Region](photos-thumbs/2009_West_th.jpg) |
2009 11 & Under
![2009 USIR 7 & under 12 age group](photos-thumbs/2009_11_Under_th.jpg) |
2009 13 & Under
![2009 USIR 12 & under 14 age group](photos-thumbs/2009_13_Under_th.jpg) |
2009 15 & Under
![2009 USIR 14 & under 16 age group](photos-thumbs/2009_15_Under_th.jpg) |
2009 17 & Under
![2009 USIR 16 & under 18 age group](photos-thumbs/2009_17_Under_th.jpg) |
2009 18 & Over
![2009 USIR 18 & over age group](photos-thumbs/2009_18_Over_th.jpg) |
2009 USIR Champions
![2009 USIR Champions](photos-thumbs/2009_Champions_th.jpg) |
2010 USIR Representatives
2010 11 & Under
![2010 USIR 7 & under 12 age group](photos-thumbs/USIR_2010_-_7_&_U12.jpg) |
2010 13 & Under
![2010 USIR 12 & under 14 age group](photos-thumbs/USIR_2010_-_12_&_U14.JPG) |
2010 15 & Under
![2010 USIR 14 & under 16 age group](photos-thumbs/USIR_2010_-_14_&_U16.JPG) |
2010 17 & Under
![2010 USIR 16 & under 18 age group](photos-thumbs/USIR_2010_-_16_&_U18.JPG) |
2010 18 & Over
![2010 USIR 18 & over age group](photos-thumbs/USIR_2010_-_18_&_O.JPG) |
2010 USIR Champions
![2010 USIR Champions](photos-thumbs/USIR_2010_Champs.jpg) |
2011 USIR Representatives
2011 East Region
![2011 East Region](photos-thumbs/2011EReps_th.jpg) |
2011 Midwest Region
![2011 Midwest Region](photos-thumbs/2011MWReps_th.jpg) |
2011 Northwest Region
![2011 Northwest Region](photos-thumbs/2011NWReps_th.jpg) |
2011 Southeast Region
![2011 Southeast Region](photos-thumbs/2011SEReps_th.jpg) |
2011 Southwest Region
![2011 Southwest Region](photos-thumbs/2011SWReps_th.jpg) |
2011 West Region
![2011 West Region](photos-thumbs/2011WReps_th.jpg) |
Mystery Photo - What year is this? What region?
19XX Mystery Region 1
![Who are these people ???](photos-thumbs/19XX_Mystery_th.jpg) |
Contributors: Christie Freestone, Diane Krugh, Sharon Farrar, Highland Island, Kira (Cogswell) VanSteenkiste, Robin Scharer, John Cissna, Cathie Peitzsch-Gibbs, Nancy Kimsey, Bill Weaver, Bree Brownlee, John & Cathy Hynd, Bree Erin Brownlee, Barb Gibson, Dave Brush, Rosey Tague, Trisha MacConnell, Karen (Campbell) Mahoney, Lynn McCulloch, Sean Martin, Fred DeMarse
Note: Contact the webmaster if you see any errors or feel you should be acknowledged as a contributor.
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