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Dance to the Piper CD

Dance to the Piper CD
Practice CD produced by FUSTA which includes: 16 Pas de bas, Pas de bas & Highcuts, Highland Fling (4 and 6 step), Sword Dance (2 & 1, 3 & 1, 2 & 2), Seann Triubhas (3 & 1, 4 & 2), Strathspey & Highland Reel, Strathspey & 1/2 Tulloch, Full Tulloch, Strathspey/Reel/Tulloch, Scottish Lilt (fast and slow), Flora MacDonald's Fancy (fast and slow), Blue Bonnets, Village Maid/Scotch Measure, Wilt Thou Go to Barracks Johnny, Highland Laddie, Earl of Errol, Irish Jig ( 4 & 6 step), Sailor's Hornpipe (4 & 6 step), Tribute to J.L. MacKenzie.

The FUSTA CD is available from the following sources:
Highland X Press
FUSTA Regional Delegates or Treasurer
Various Scottish vendors

The Highland Dancer's Parent's Handbook

The Highland Dancer's Parent's Handbook is published by the Federation of United States Teachers and Adjudicators (FUSTA).

The book is available from Holly Hodgkin at: hhodgkin@charter.net



© 2011 FUSTA - webmasters: Bruce Farrar & Bill Weaver - updated 02/27/2012